13 March 2013
Research Proposal
Megan and peers,
For my inquiry project, I am
interested in studying the different methods of teaching and learning. I will
research the different methods of learning that have been tested like visual,
auditory, kinesthetic and reading/writing. I came upon this topic through the
article we read about a liberal education and how teaching using senses to help
retain information. I’m curious about why people learn differently and what
personalities, genders, and ages of people learn from each method. The
different methods of learning are typically visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and
reading/writing. The visual method teaches using charts, tables, and diagrams.
The auditory learner learns through hearing someone explain a concept or read
directions. The kinesthetic learner retain information by physically
interacting with the material like building a model or doing a dance to a song
that relates to a topic. The reading/writing learner learns through taking
notes and reading material. I plan on finding sources that deal with different
methods of learning and talk about how they affect different age groups of
people. I want to find out more about the correlation between personality and
learning style preference. I can find this out from reading studies about
testing for learning style preferences. From there, I plan on getting all the
information I’ve gathered and putting my findings into small paragraphs. From
this point, I can gather all my ideas together into a well-organized paper.
Thank you, Ivey Lee
I feel that you have chosen a topic that is strong and can be backed up with great information from studies conducted. However, I feel that you can probably narrow your topic down a little more. Since the assignment is so specific, maybe you could narrow it down to one learning style and how it effects a specific age group, gender, etc. This way you will really hone in on your topic and it will be really specific. I am sure this has already been brought to your attention through your peers and Megan in the group conference.